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Nuernberg Eagle
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"Leni the Magnificent"

Serene and Beautiful like a Lion!

LeniHello Folks,

We would like to introduce you to our new PzG mascot Leni (after Leni Riefenstahl) after a year of no German shepherd in the home we were finally ready to bring a new 4 legged member back into the PzG team following the terrible loss of Ragnar & Valhalla.

We paid for Leni then spent many months waiting for her to be born, which happened shortly after the PzG website was attacked. We never would have gotten her had we known the financial hit we were about to take! However, she has brought such joy and delight back into our home and family that we're sure Ragnar would approve of her taking on the mantle as mascot. She certainly seems eager for the challenge. The kids, of course, fell in love with her as soon as we got her home and they all think that her antics are very funny!

She has already started school and is doing well. Leni takes her guard dog duties very seriously by barking and snarling at anything that moves in the dark.

- Michael

Leni Feb. 2007

Leni - February 2007

"Ragnar the Terrible" our loyal Mascot


Ragnar's first bath!


Michael with our oldest daughter and Ragnar


Ragnar at 6 weeks!


1994 - 2005

This past Thursday, (July 28, 2005) we had to end the suffering of our beloved family companion Ragnar "Ragnar the Terrible" & "Ragnar the Wonder Dog" our 11 year old German Shepherd. Like many of you who's lives have been touched by a four legged friend, it was a heart wrenching decision to make. Ragnar had been declining over the past 8 weeks since he was diagnosed with a tumor that was pressing on his esophagus (so he could only eat his food and vitamins after it was run trough a blender) and attacking his spinal nerves (so that he had lost all feeling in his right leg). In spite of all of this Ragnar surprised us all by continuing with his favorite pass time of patrolling the grounds to find the biggest logs to drop at our feet while he waited patiently for us to throw them for him.

Ragnar was always such a gentle playmate for the kids. And, he was a great teacher to our two other dogs Libby and Valhalla. Showing Valhalla these past few weeks all the fine points of stick / log fetching. Still we could always count on him to alert us when visitors were coming down the road. He especially liked our UPS driver who gave him dog bonies and took the time to throw his sticks & logs before leaving to continue his rounds. Ragnar often impressed us with his exceptional keen insight into the hearts and intentions of others. Through experience we learned that we could trust his instincts so, if Ragnar liked you we knew we would too! Finally, Ragnar has held a special place of honor on the back of each of our Third Reich music CDs as our PzG mascot.

Ragnar had such a big heart that just didn't want to give up! I guess he understood in his own way how much we needed him and just kept on going in spite of his discomfort & pain. But, on Wednesday when we found that his good front leg had a massive infection that had burst we knew the time had come to say farewell and pass the PzG mascot torch on to Valhalla. Ragnar in countless ways you were a very special friend and companion and we will all miss you! Until we meet again we will hold your precious memories in our hearts.

Michael & Linda Kelly

P.S. Thank you so much for the out pouring of email condolences that we have received since Ragnars passing. We have read each and every one, almost never with a dry eye, and your heart felt stories about your own beloved pets both dogs and cats as well as your expressions of friendship have meant so much to us!


Valhalla our faithful friend!

We would like to introduce you to our newest baby. She is a pure black German Shepherd and her name is Valhalla. She is just as soft and as cute as can be! Watch her grow with us here as she learns to take on Ragnar's responsibilities as PzG's new four legged mascot. And, remember to keep those dog / pet stories and pictures coming because Valhalla really enjoys reading them and we would like to share some of these with you here.

Michael & Valhalla 9 weeks.

Michael, Ragnar & Valhalla 9 weeks.

Ragnar & Valhalla 10 weeks enjoying the green grass.

Valhalla wanting to know when it is her turn to play with the toy?

Valhalla 13 weeks

Valhalla 13 weeks old!

Valhalla 13 weeks

Enjoying Ragnar's toys!


Dear Friends:

It is with a broken heart that I find myself so soon after my beloved Ragnar's death writing you again. On Monday evening September 19, 2005 while on our family walk my beautiful Valhalla was hit by the neighbor's pick-up and killed instantly. As many of you know we live out in the country nestled in the Black Hills. Our road has virtually no traffic and so we had deemed it safe to walk on these past three years. Valhalla was only 4 months old and was to begin her formal training with a local expert in November. Just days before the accident she had begun to display a teenager 'know it all' attitude that while irritating I never dreamed would prove fatal. She would run off a bit when I called her and try to tease me by not coming upon command. I knew that this was a phase and that the trainer and I would set her straight in just a few weeks. That horrible evening we left for our walk about 10 minutes late and by the time of the accident it had transformed from evening to night. That was when the neighbor turned down the road with his headlights on. He must have seen us, myself Linda and two of our little girls, on the road. We immediately moved off the road and up into the adjacent field. I sensed that Valhalla would not listen so I ran further into the grass well away from the road calling her to me. She came near me and I tried to grab her twice but she dodged away then ran off about half way toward the road, stopped looked at me and then turned around and fatally ran down to the headlights. I screamed her name as loud as I could but she did not even slow. In an instant I was down in the road cradling her smashed body. The driver stepped out and mumbled a 'sorry' the kind you mutter when you bump into some in line at the theater. I was hysterical. I have never known such intense pain and sense of loss. It was as though every loss in my entire life dead grandparents & parents, lost loves, and shattered dreams all have come together and struck me down. I carried her broken bloody and lifeless body home while the driver drove off to do his evening business without a care in the world. (Two days later a rather lame sympathy card arrived.) Linda ran ahead with the little girls crying all the way home to get the car and bring us home. I made it most of the way back to the house before I finally collapsed to the ground exhausted covered in blood and emotionally devastated. I'm not ashamed to admit it when the shock wore off I've cried like a baby.

It is now two weeks later and the pain and deep sense of loss is still there. When Ragnar died I knew it was coming and while I thought he still had a few good years left he at least had a good and full life. So, tragic and painful as it was it was understandable and bearable. But my beautiful little Valhalla was so full of life and energy. She was the light of my day! Yes, even with nine young children I still have need of mans best friend for companionship. Ever since I was six years old I have had a dog. In my screwed up alcoholic family my dog Taxi was my best friend and companion. He always was understanding and full of love. Even though he was completely untrained and ran away often especially at night he filled a huge void my young life. Ever since then dogs have been a major part of my life bringing lots of joy and love into my heart. No I haven't always appreciated their gift fully and yes I have taken them for granted often. And I have even resented having to clean up after them or replace things that they chewed up or to take them out in the rain. But I always loved them and I know that they knew it. And now Valhalla is gone to the other side with Ragnar and the others waiting for me to join them.

I know many people do not and will not want to understand but true animal lovers know that there is a part of you, a void, that can only be filled by the love and companionship of our pets. For me it is a great void. When I drive up to our house now it seems empty and dead. The porch is vacant without Ragnar on guard duty and the backyard is lifeless without that happy smile of Valhalla looking out from her kennel eager to come out and play. She had never seen grass, being born in the desert of Arizona, before coming to us so when I got her home she snuggled up in our pitiful little patch of green grass then rolled and rolled in total delight. She never stopped playing in it. She was the only dog I ever had that was smart enough to go into her dog house when it was raining. If she had lived I know she would have been a great dog. I didn't want a killer I wanted and got a sweet family guard dog and I had planned to breed her in two years. In fact, I had seen the ad for black pure bred German shepherds two years ago so I knew that was the dog for me. She was the first dog I ever made long term future plans with and the first that I ever thought that I had done everything for her. I got the best breeding and correct personality then the best large breed puppy food, the best animal vitamins, health insurance (we don't have any), kennel, dog trainer, and I made time for her everyday to play and train her. And now she is no more and it is my fault because I failed to stop her and protect her and she paid the ultimate price.

Just a couple of days before the accident we did a photo shoot with Valhalla and myself as our new company mascot for our next CD Blitzkrieg. I decided to hell with political correctness and wore my SS Panzer M43 cap. I hadn't with Ragnar like the Bible says "For fear of the Jews." This will be her CD she is only about half grown and because of her beautiful black fur it is difficult to make out all of her details but her big pink tongue is hanging out and she was very excited about taking the photos as you can tell from her sparkling eyes. Now I must concentrate on the short time I had with her and remember the many happy and fun times we had together this past summer, instead of those last nightmarish 10 seconds. As our friends and PzG supporters I needed to share this unhappy news with you as I know you would want to know.

Michael Kelly
President PzG Inc.

We have reserved this place for you to share with all of us your special pet pictures and notes. You can email your contributions by clicking here or by mailing them to us at:
PzG Inc. P.O. Box 3972, Rapid City, SD 57709-3972
and we will publish as space and time permits.

Please DO NOT email pictures bigger then 300 x 300 pixel 72dpi
or 500MB about 3 inches x 4 inches.


This is Panzer and myself, she was 11 months when this picture was taken. It is truly a tragedy that their lives are so short, and that accidents fall upon our faithful companions. - Anthony



This is a picture of me with Odin my young and soon to be hunting buddy. He is just 6 months old and I could not have asked for a better dog. He is just about the best friend a guy can ask for even if he does chew on my boots and fishing rods!


P.S. the SS mug is a hit I love it.

MakayaRest in Peace Makaya

My mother owned a female Rottweiler and my brother a male (Zoie & Zeus). We bred them in 1997 and after the litter was born, I picked out my baby. My husband and I named her Makaya "Duchess Makaya Von Zoe" She was loved by anyone who knew her. She went everywhere with us and changed a lot of peoples minds about Rottweilers with her loving and gentle ways. She was diagnosed with bone cancer February 28, 2002 at 4 years. We were devastated, everyone was crying. Her condition deteriorated very rapidly and on March 15, 2002 we decided it was in her best interest to let her go.

On that March day we took her to her vet and he came out into the yard and as she laid in my lap was put to sleep. I held her tight in my arms, cried and told her everything would be okay and that we would all be together again. She died there at 8:30 a.m. in my lap and we all cried. I still cry to this day.

It has now been almost 5 years and I still think of her everyday. I had her name tattooed on my wrist. Everyone in my family and some friends wrote her letters telling her how much they loved her. We took her to Petsmart and she picked out a toy shortly before her death. I have a wooden box with all of the letters, the toy she picked out, pictures of her, all of her tags and a lock of her hair in it and her urn sits on top.

Thank you for letting me share my story.

The Haynes'

HanaHello Michael
My name is Kevin. I ordered a few items from you a while back and was cleaning out my e-mails and came upon one from you that had confirmed that order. That led me to browse your web site and it was then that I noticed the writings and pictures of Ragnar and Valhalla. I want to extend my belated condolences to you on the loss of your dogs. I am of German descent, my name used to be spelled "Kreitz" which I am told is derivative of the German word for cross. My father was a man who loved German Shepherds and I was raised with many of them in my life until I left for military service in 1971. I was in the United States Air Force and I was deployed to Nakhon Phnom Royal Thai Air Force Base, 270 miles from Hanoi. The perimeter of the base was guarded by Air Security Police and a lot of well trained incredibly protective German Shepherd guard dogs. I slept a little better at night knowing that if anything approached the wire, those dogs would know about it before anyone else and would alert, thus waking up an amount of ordnance and firepower the likes of which was unfathomable.

HanaI have attached a picture of my current dog. Her name is Hana, she is a pure bred Korean Jindo and quite a remarkable dog. She is a cerified service dog. I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition induced by my experiences during the war. As a result, I am prone to severe panic attacks and night terrors. I originally rescued Hana just for companionship. But within a few months, it was clear that she had bonded with me to such an extent that she was instinctively alerting me to the on-set of my panic attacks, so much in advance of the attack that I could take medication to alleviate the effects of the attack, and sometimes head it off altogether. It is an incredible innate ability that she has, and it was enough for me to get her cerified through the Veteran's Administration as a service alert dog pertaining to a military service connected disability. So, I know what it means to be completely bonded to a dog, almost as strong a bond as with one's children, and I mourn your loss with you. Good luck with Leni, she looks like a wonderful dog. I have also attached a photo of my first dog and protector, Heidi. She was a magnificent animal and I loved her. She was with me from the time I was an infant until I was 5 years old. Tragically, an incredibly stupid neighbor fed Heidi a chicken leg and she cut her throat on the sharp bone and bled to death. We didn't even get a lame sympathy card from that neighbor.

Best regards - Kevin

Hi, Michael Haven’t visited your site for a while, and I am glad to see you have a new addition to the family! God Bless, Kevin & Lady

JessyHello Michael,

I will be happy if you could give this letter to Ragnar!!

Here's Jessy, a German Shepherd / Husky female mix with wall-eyes ! So nice and beautiful, an example of honor and fidelity!!! which has joined Valhalla last year... Now surely discussing with Ragnar & Valhalla !

Rest in peace JESSY 01/01/1996 - 06/24/2006

You will be forever in ours hearts.

Cyrille - FRANCE

Thank you very much !


Ruby at 3 months. "Keep up the good work." - Mike

AvaAva & Max

Ava is a Rottweiler with German blood lines, Who know maybe her ancestors might of fought in WWII. She's the best dog I ever had. Max is a white Timber Shepard. He looks more like a wolf then a shepard. As you can see I feel bad for the person who decides to break into my house. I would rather have my dogs with me in the woods then a MP40. I really feel like dogs are mans best friends. - Christoph

Hitler Kitty

Hitler Kitty, but he needs a uniform! - Dale

Jim & ToviHello,

I'm sorry to hear about your devastating losses, but I too have endured pain. But remember, with pain comes happiness. I almost lost my puppy, he was a mere 3 months old. I was told I couldn't keep him, after such a wonderful acquaintance with him. The moment I laid eyes on him, he jumped towards me, stumbled and fell, I caught him. Anyways, I still have him here with me today, and I wish I could say the same for your wonderful family.

Regards, Erik

P.S. his name is Tovi he is a true shepard


Here is my dog Kenny. He is a True German Waffen.

Andy and Wolfgang


Here's my boy Gandalf a Shepherd / Husky mix!


Here is a picture of my own sweet Dobie "Estrella". - Jim

SS PanzerKat

SS PanzerKat "Missy" in field gray with over 60 kills of little mice! - Michael

Wolfgang, 10/1/91-6/10/05

We love you. - Rich and Sandy


Just wanted to let you know, we got a chocolate lab. His name is Brett (for Brett Favre).

- Diana

AntonHello Folks,

My heart goes out to you losing two dogs in such a short amount of time but, they will always be with you in spirit. Here is my "Weimy" Anton. I chose his name from the KM Bismarck No. 1 gun turret 'Anton'.


Sorry to read about your loss of Ragnar and Valhalla. It does get better after time but I know how it feels.

Here's a photo of Peppie. After 10 years still not forgotten & never shall be.

David (UK)


Keeska December 2005 8 years old. - Wayne

Here is a picture of Snoopy.

He is occupied with a rawhide bone. 11 Years old now, a "Borderline Collie". Loves to sing songs and jingles on TV commercials too!

Again, very sorry for your past doggie losses and wish the very best to all of you in the new year to come. - Joe
Lady Pooh

I am so touched by your great love and respect for our canine companions. They are simply the best....simply the best. My lady POOH wanted me to share this photo of herself in her Halloween Costume. She is 9 years old and my constant companion. She sends a kiss to the memory of Valhalla. - Robert

Attached a photo of my miniature dachshund, Shandi. She responds well to German words, especially any word with "essen". - Greg

2 year old Rommel ready to go! - Paul

Luca...German Shepherds are the best! - Ralph.

HaroldSteve and Bear

I was sad to read of the recent loss of your beloved Valhalla. I know the feeling first hand as my own beloved Dog Bear died suddenly of pneumonia only 11 days after this attached picture was taken a couple years back. He was a German Sheperd/Lab mix and he was an incredible dog. But I was fortunate to have had twelve years with him. Nevertheless, the grief was unspeakable so I can relate to your loss. I hope eventually that most of the time when you look back that it will be with good memories more than the grief...which I eventually was able to do. - Steve

Jef & HaroldHarold

I'm sending you a picture of my cat, Harold. Great guy! I used to be just a 'dog guy', I detested cats. Then, of course, I met a woman. Isn't that how it always starts? Harold is a good friend and can tell when I'm happy or sad.

Be sure to check out his collar!!

Jef & Harold

- Stan
abby ducks - Abby (rescued puppy) and the Ducks.
Conrad's Babies
Yves CanadaI'm so sorry to hear what is happening to You. My hart and prayers are with you and all your family.

In May my Sam 6 years old hurt his lower back for the 4th time, and badly that time. I had him put down, cause he would have suffered too much.

I got myself another dog. Here is a picture of my English Cocker Spaniel. I think very often of you, and will order more gear soon. My good thoughts are with you my Good Friend.

Bless you all. - Yves Canada
Hello, I am sorry to hear of your latest loss. Being a dog owner and ex k-9 handler, I can understand and sympathize with you. I don't know what I would do if Thor, my pet German shepherd, or Sammy, my malanois partner would pass away. They are both a important part of my wife's and my life. We cannot have children, so our dogs are our surrogate kids. Once again, our deepest regrets and our thoughts are with you. - James
StanziI know how closely we come to our Hunden and how much like Frederick the Great we can understand the nobility of our canine families.  May Odin shepherd Ragnar in to the Halls of the Eternals.

Wesheil - Karl

PS:  Here is my own Doberman Stanzi ... the light of my life.
PennyHello - here is a picture of my big baby Penny she will be 9 years old in October. She is our couch potato as you can see.
FoofieHello - my German Shepherd Foofie wants me to send this email to say hi to Ragnar and Valhalla. - Michele & Foofie
Congratulations on your new baby, Valhalla! I had to have my 12 year old German Shepherd put to sleep two months ago, and miss her terribly. Best of luck with your new pup!
I love this site always on them ...love ragnar dog :)    
Hi, this is just to tell you I fell for Ragnar. He is soooo cute and reminds me a lot of Blondie, a dog I loved very much. Good of you to put his picture on your page. Greetings - Cristina



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Thursday, July 19, 2007

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