Distinctive Panzer, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Das Heer, Waffen SS, and German WWII Nazi resources for hobbyists,
teachers, museums and all students of Third Reich history in one convenient location.
Helping you create the ultimate collection of reproduction Waffen SS and Panzer historical items as well as Adolf Hitler Third Reich Nazi military memoribillia.
German Military March Music
Nazi Songs Third Reich Music Adolf Hitler
Since the dawn of organized armies men have been led into bloody battle by heroic martial music - and soothed their lonely spirits with sweet songs of their loved ones by the campfire.
No where was this more true than Nazi Germany under National Socialism. Dr. Goebbel's ministry of nazi propaganda encouraged the writing and production of many of the most rousing and heroic military songs and marches in history; yet the battle-hardened soldiers' softer side was not ignored.
Lili Marlene was not just a favorite German Nazi soldier love song but became the favorite of American GI's and British Tommies as well! We invite you to share that moment in history just as the German soldier or civilian did - whether on the frozen hell of the endless steppes - or in a bomb shelter, where the sound of the encouraging music calmed their racing heart and gave new strength to flagging morale to carry on the fight.
= German Language = English Language = Both English & German = Hungarian Language
Heroic Music • Heroic Men • Heroic Times
You've never seen a military music CD like this!
CD280 - SS Schwerpunkt
The Waffen SS was an elite international combat brotherhood drawing recruits from all over Europe.
This is an exclusive PzG Inc. product.
What makes PzG Inc. CDs the BEST value for your money?
When you order a PzG Inc. CD you are getting only the very best in Adolf Hitler Third Reich Nazi military march historical German music. PzG Inc. CDs are high quality historical recordings that have been professionally re-mastered, factory produced, and glass pressed. These ARE NOT cheap ripoff CDRs burned in someones dirty bassment! All songs have been professionally mastered for even listening with a musical balance between instrumental and choral marches. PzG’s art work is eye catching and stimulating as well as historicaly informative.
To insure proper playing of any CD be sure to clean your player regularly.
Includes the English translation to the famous
"Flieg, Deutsche Fahne, Flieg!" on the inside front cover!
"Even has the look of an old time vinal LP."
Cover Art: The front cover picture is adapted from a painting in the collection of Ray & Josephine Cowdery after the original called Waffen-SS im Kampf (Waffen-SS Men in Battle), painted for the 1944 Berlin Art Exhibition Deutsche Kuenstler und die SS (German Artists and the SS) by renowned Third Reich artist Willi Tschech. It is believed the original was destroyed by bombing at the end of World War II.
From original Third Reich Recordings
Deutschland Deutschland Uber Alles Choral 3:22
Horst Wessel Lied Choral 2:17
1944 SS General Leon Degrelle & Rexist Hym Choral-Belgium 1:45
Vlaamserex Lied Choral-Belgium 2:17
Marsch der Leibstandarte 2:49
Vi kjemper Choral-Norway 0:49
Kamerat Vi Marsjerer Choral-Norway 2:57
Treue um Treue 2:52
Canto a la Division Azul Choral-Spain 1:35
Panzerwagenlied 2:29
Lied der estnischen Legion Choral-Estonia 3:06
Hindenburg Marsch 2:51
Mustapaitojen Choral-Finland 2:52
Marsch der 33rd SS Div Charlemagne France 3:06
Soldatenlied der Honved Choral-Hungary 1:32
Viktoria Marsch 2:34
Giovenezza Choral-Italy 3:12
Deutschlandied, Horst Wessel, Wenn alle untreu Norway 3:48
Radio Paris SS volunteers of Charlemagne Div Choral-France 1:31
Flamme empor! Choral 3:10
Hort ihr es grollen Choral 2:33
Flieg, deutsche Fahne, flieg Choral 3:22
Volk ans Gewehr Choral 3:10
Von Finland bis zum Shwerben Meer Choral 3:09
Heil Hitler Dir! Choral 3:03
Wenn alle untreu warden Choral 2:34
CD280 - SS Schwerpunkt
$20.00 +s/h
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Features 60+ year old recordings that are digitally produced from original Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler Third Reich WW2 era 78-rpm military records.
SAVE $80.00 - GET THE 14 CD SET FOR ONLY $200.00!
PzG 14 CD Set - SAVE $80.00 $200.00 +s/h
"Waffen SS - Hitler's Armed Protective Squadron!"
PzG 3 SS CD Set
$60.00 +s/h
"I received my order yesterday, and the Waffen SS flag is indeed stunning. It went up on my wall immediately upon arriving home." - Satisfied Customer
CD280 SS Schwerpunkt Review:
Listeners unfamiliar with the Third Reich’s elite forces and their original music are in for something of a shock in SS Schwerpunk. Its third track is an excerpt from a gigantic mass-rally in Belgium of that country’s SS volunteers fresh from the Eastern Front in mid-1944. Though by that time the war had obviously turned against Germany, throngs of Belgians turned out to cheer Flemish SS General Leon DeGrelle and his men, as documented in this “live” recording.
That same enthusiasm may be heard in the soundtrack of a period newsreel from Oslo describing Norwegian recruits in the Waffen-SS. A particularly interesting track features another “live” feature in Norway’s capital of the German national anthem (Das Deutschlandlied), the National Socialist anthem (the Horst Wessel March), and SS anthem (Wenn alle untreu werden), all performed by Norwegian SS men.
The Blue Division comprised Spanish Civil War veterans who sang the anthem recorded here during their siege at Leningrad. Other, kindred selections include the French March of the 33rd SS “Charlemagne” Division (including radio coverage of Paris recruits), the Hungarian Hoved march, and, of course, Italy’s Fascist anthem, La Giovenezza, sung here by the incomparable Benjamino Gighli. His version of this famous song is unquestionably the best ever recorded, if only because he throws himself heart and soul into the music, taking his listeners along with him.
These foreign contributions slightly outnumber exceptionally spirited renditions of German music, most notably, the famous Marsch der Leibstandarte , the Fuehrer’s Bodyguard; the armored divisions’ Panzerwaganlied; and a golden oldie from Reichswehr days composed in honor of the last Weimar president, the Hindenburg March. Outstanding, too, is a rare piece, Treue um Treue (“Loyalty for Loyalty”), played flawlessly and powerfully by a huge SS brass band.
Seldom has such a rich variety of imperishable sound been packed into a single compact disk both the music lover and history student will return to again and again.
Marc Roland
Looking for additional resources...look no farther!
Where can I get the lyrics to my favorite songs?
As a service to you we have included a link to the Volkslieder site. They have a very comprehensive list of song titles and lyrics, both German & English, for many of the song titles included on our CDs. But, please note, our music arrangements are NOT the same as the selections / samples on the Volkslieder site.
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